GA Drilling

The aim of the IPM Growth investment in GA Drilling is to help the company establish itself further and continue to develop the potential of its unique patented technology, PLASMABIT for deployment across global markets.

Clean / Energy Tech

About GA Drilling

GA Drilling was established in Slovakia in 2008, and founded on the assumption that traditional industrial drilling techniques, which have not changed significantly for decades, can be greatly improved by the latest technological developments PLASMABIT is based on utilising high-energy electrical plasma, instead of mechanical drilling, to carry out a range of drilling and milling activities in the oil & gas sector. It also has the potential for further reaching applications in geothermal energy, where it aims to be able to drill deeper and more cost effectively than current drilling methods, making many more geothermal sources more economically viable for development. The aim of the IPM Growth investment in GA Drilling is to help the company establish itself further and continue to develop the potential of its unique patented technology, PLASMABIT for deployment across global markets. GA Drilling is the first investment under the IPM Growth, and is consistent with the initiative’s aim of supporting promising technology leaders in the Central European region that have the potential for global growth.

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