Compliance Officer/Risk Officer

Jinyoung Kim

Jinyoung has over 17 years of experience in investment operations and fund accounting. Jinyoung is currently in charge of compliance and internal control at IPM. Before joining IPM, Jinyoung worked at United Partners Asset Management and Trinity Asset Management as a head of the Fund accounting team. Jinyoung was responsible for daily fund accounting, projects related to various products, and supporting compliance issues.

Jinyoung managed fund maintenance and related issues such as launching new funds, structure change, and termination at Franklin Templeton Investment and Truston Asset Management. In addition, Jinyoung led the project related to fund issues or compliance issues, verified NAV with various transactions in funds, and handled reports to regulators.

Jinyoung holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from SungKyunKwan University.

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